A spare cocking bar, handle and general pin for your Tavor® SAR.
For installation using the Tavor® SAR manual P/N 08011011300:
Section 14.1.3 Sear Mechanism
Section 14.1.4 Recoil Mechanism
Section 14.1.5 Flattop Rail Assembly
Section 14.1.6 Swivel Sleeve and Swivel Lock
Section 14.1.7 Foregrip Group
Section 14.1.8 Cocking Group
For installation using any other Tavor® SAR manual:
Section 15.1 Primary Disassembly/Reassembly
Section 15.2 Removal/Installation of Sear Mechanism
Section 15.5 Removal/Installation of Flattop Rail for removal of the flattop rail
Section 15.6 Removal/Installation of Front Swivel and Lock
Section 15.8 Removal/Installation of Cocking Group for removal of the cocking group
Section 15.9 Partial Disassembly/Reassembly of Cocking Group
Made in Israel
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